A Complete Platform for RISC-V Design Space Exploration

The Trireme Platform includes everything you need to bring up the hardware and software of a custom RISC-V system, from ultra-low-power microcontrollers to high-performance multi-core processors.

Tools to get You From RTL to "Hello World!"

Trireme Full Toolchain

Multiple output binary formats for use on Linux, bare-metal FPGA systems, or RTL simulations.

Simple parameters to customize binary entry point, stack address & size, heap size, and more. Board Support Package (BSP) included.

Trireme RTL Modules

Written in Verilog 2001 with fully parameterized modules without any vendor-specific or 3rd party IP.

Build custom hardware systems with a variety of cores, coherent cache configurations, memory modules, and network-on-chip support.

Trireme ISA Simulator

Simulate RISC-V ISA instructions right in your browser. Ideal for beginners and classroom use.

Upload C and assembly, or write it in the editor window. Observe register and memory state after each instruction.

Trireme Block Designer

Generate Verilog for a custom core, cache, memory & NoC configuration. Download customized top module.

Select Verilog parameters in a GUI. See a visualization of the configured RISC-V system. Save and export settings for sharing.

Example Systems

From low-power microcontrollers, to Linux ready multi-core processors, the Trireme Platform can do it all. Get started with some of the Trireme Platform's included example systems. The Basin and Cove processor systems are available now to download while we are finishing the release of the Arroyo and Delta processor systems.

Download Links

Download Zip files here or check out the Trireme Platform on Github

Trireme Platform

The complete platform download
Hardware + Software

Hardware (RTL) Code

Every Hardware Module
in the Trireme Platform

Software Toolchain

The complete Development
Software Environment

Web-Based Utilities

Browser-Based Software

The Trireme Platform in Publications

  • Citing The Trireme Platform

    If you use the Trireme Platform in your research, we would appreciate the following citation in any publications to which it has contributed:

    Sahan Bandara, Alan Ehret, Donato Kava and Michel A. Kinsy: "BRISC-V: Open Source Architectural Design Space Exploration Toolbox" Tech-Report 0V1, October 2018.


The Trireme platform is managed and maintained by the Secure, Trusted, and Assured Microelectronics (STAM) Center in Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University and the Secure Micro Technologies hardware team. Sincere thanks to all the team members who have contributed to the platform.